My Message to Muscat Orthodox Mahaedavaka

I participated in the Christmas Carol Service of St. Gregorios Orthodox Maha Edavaka, Muscat. They had messages from His Holiness Bava thirumeni and other metropolitans including me. They held carol service with several choirs participating from all over the Gulf Region. Here is a video of the message I gave.

My Monthly Column in Janayugom Daily

30 years of Episcopal Service

My Adopted Baby

I conduct online classes for BD 2nd and 3rd year students of St. Thomas Orthodox Theological Semiary, Nagpur two days a week. Here is my class room monitor, my adopted baby girl Kitty.She moved further close to have a closer look at what I am teaching.

And then fell asleep

And then was so tired of listening

And then wanted to see what he was doing afterward

My Time with OCYM UAE Zone: Dec. 4, 2020

I was invited to join the Annual Meet of Orthodox Christian Youth Movement U A E Zone conducted on December 4, 2020. The conference among several programs also had group presentation on the topic, “In Your Hearts Reverence Christ as Lord” (1 Pet. 3: 14 [15]). I had to listen to the presentations and then comment on them and give a message on the topic which I gladly did. I was with them the whole through the program.  Since it was recorded through Zoom Platform and shared with Facebook. I could not download the video but recorded my presentation with screen shots of the video. Here is what I said.